As a resume writer there are often days where I can work from home in the luxury of my lounge room without having to step foot outside my house. I save money and time on transport and what is best is that I can work all day in whatever clothes I desire. If I want to sit in my brand Strong Work new matching pyjama pants and shirt, well I can because these are just some of the advantages of working from home.
This sounds wonderful doesn't it? Sitting all day in your pyjamas working on your own schedule? This sounds great in theory, but in reality I strongly suggest against this type of approach.
Always Dress for Success:
When I am dressed for success and feeling professional, I find that I am more productive and produce far greater work. Sitting at my desk in my corporate attire puts me in a work mood as opposed to making my day feel like a casual day. I obviously don't suggest putting on your best suit and tie when working from home, but a nice clean and pressed shirt and trousers will certainly put you in the work mode.

Find an area of your house to make into "an office"
Although you're at home, try to find a small space that you can work from. Setting up a small area of your house or apartment to make a working space will put you in the working mood. Have you ever tried working from bed? This is almost impossible, and the amount of work you can do while in bed is not nearly as productive as the work you can do from your desk.
Is working at home for you?
Working at home is not for everyone, and many people find that they get too distracted and are not able to be productive. Having good discipline is a major factor in being able to work from home. There are many temptations surrounding you and maintaining motivation can be a challenge. And although it's nice to have a day outside the traditional office, working from home can be lonely, and with limited social interaction it can often be hard to share ideas.
Working from home can be extremely productive and beneficial. Without having the sound of telephones ringing and co-workers talking around you, there is opportunity to get a lot of work completed that you would not have been able to do in the office environment.
My advice is simple. When working from home, dress professionally and set up a workspace where you can best get in the grove to perform your work as best as possible. I personally feel more switched on when I am in my work clothes rather than my casual clothes. Looking like a professional makes me feel like a professional.
RedStarResume are the Resume Writing Experts. They offer a resume writing service that is unmatched in its professional attitude and quality of service. Strong WorkRedStarResume have helped thousands of job seekers meet and achieve their career goals through delivering specialist resume writing that seeks the attention of hiring managers and ensures that you stand out from the crowd.