Many companies see stickers as an item best left behind in childhood... all those messy residues! In fact, even if the target market for your business extends past age 12, there are plenty of ways you can use stickers to help brand and build your business. design my cricket bat sticker 'stick' around... and if you can manage to get over all of their associated puns you can actually do some great marketing work with custom sticker printing for a tiny price.

1. As in-store giveaways for kids
The only promotional giveaway that kids would pay more attention than stickers, is chocolate. And it is easy to see which of those wins in the longevity stakes! Kids will pop your stickers on their toys, books and furniture, keeping your company in theirs, and their parents', memories for quite a while.
2. As in-store giveaways for adults
Adults often like stickers as much as kids - the only consideration is that they tend not to put them in so many different places, and they look for something which is not obvious advertising. If you can design a sticker that helps a person brand themselves (ie, it makes a statement that your customer wants to associate with their own personality), it will often be displayed prominently, kept clean and actually enjoyed! The design of your printed sticker is important if this is your strategy.
3. In your direct mail advertising
You can use your stickers as giveaways for entertainment/leisure display in your direct mail advertising, just as you can in-store. Another often-used tactic is to include your logo on 'functional' printed stickers within your direct mailings. Stickers can be used for envelope sealers or for scrapbooking, and give people a reason to actually look through your direct mail letter.
4. As a substitute for coupons
We have all, at one stage or another, had a fast food sticker on our windshield that entitled us to a free upgrade. You can also ask customers to put your custom sticker printing on their store loyalty card, phone card, even credit card for handy access to your discounts.
5. Sponsoring a sports team
Even if your company can't get one of the coveted placements on player's uniforms, you can get quite a lot of exposure by putting your stickers on their equipment. Cricket bats, hockey sticks, helmets... these all have room for printed stickers, and you are less likely to be design my cricket bat sticker competing for attention on the uniform.
6. On employee cars and company vehicles
Don't waste all that ripe marketing space! You can get larger custom sticker printing done for car doors (many products are paint-safe), or simply pop some of your company stickers in visible spots on the windows.
Sticker design best practices
We touched on this point earlier - for most people over the age of 12, your sticker has to provide something greater than the joy of adhesion! This comes in its design, and can be in the form of:
* Something that looks 'cool' or attractive
* Is useful, such as a map or coupon
* Helps people define their personality to others
Sticker printing best practices
You can get the most of out your customer sticker printing exercise by collaborating with the company printing your stickers for you. Ask them questions about:
* What sort of stock will work best for the application you have in mind
* Whether the back of the sticker can be utilised for providing information
* Whether they can die-cut your stickers, and whether the price suits your budget
* Whether they can help you with the design of your sticker for a reasonable price