So you are finally ready to purchase your first home. Once you have found the right home then the process of transferring the property to you can start. This is known as property conveyance - transferring the title of the property from one person to another.
Since it involves numerous contracts that need intricate understanding and several steps that may be confusing to an average person, such transactions are better handled by a property lawyer or conveyancing solicitor.
Normally, when you involve such legal professionals in transactions, costs are inevitable. Since conveyancing fees and legal costs vary from one conveyancing solicitor to another you can expect quotes ranging from exorbitant to cheap. Naturally, it's almost instantaneous for any loan-burdened home buyer to flinch on the sight of a hefty price tag.
While it is technically possible to do all of your conveyancing on your own, it is still highly advisable to obtain the assistance of a conveyancing solicitor because it is easy to make some serious mistakes which can prejudice your interests in relation to the purchase of a property.
On the flip side, it does not mean that the most expensive conveyancing solicitors are the best but often, whereas with many things in life, you get what you pay for. However, there are a few noted exemptions and we can see that in the correlation between cheap conveyancing and the quality of service by the solicitor. It is not advised that you base your choice on the cheapest conveyancing on the marketplace. Rather, conveyancing experts are saying that the best definition for cheap conveyancing is getting the best value for your money.

Here are 6 ways to get a cheap but quality conveyancing.
1. Get a conveyancing solicitor who you can talk to. Most of the advertised cheap conveyancing services on the internet do not handle their clients in a face-to-face manner. This must not be condoned. At the end of the day, it is still your solicitor's job to take you through the whole process and that entitles you to an open communication with them.
2. Get recommendations from Estate Agents instead of corporate estate agents. Most corporate estate agents have a relationship with conveyancing solicitors and are prepared to pay commission to those estate agents.
3. Get a conveyancing solicitor who has experience in the area you are buying the property in. Be sure that the firm you are choosing has conducted conveyancing transactions and Home Information Packs in the area. This is where you can be sure that they will have some understanding of the local issues that often affect conveyancing transactions.
4. Get fixed fee conveyancing. Instruct a conveyancing solicitor who offers a fixed fee rather than charging on an hourly basis.
5. Get reviews for conveyancing solicitors. Look on blogs and forums, etc. Testimonials within a firm's own website are often truthful but many web developer marketing teams draft fictitious testimonials. Also get word of mouth recommendations from friends and family.
6. Get a real conveyancing solicitor and not just a conveyancing broker. There are quite a number of advertised cheap conveyancing services that are actually not handled by a regulated law firm. Oftentimes, their argument is that they are able to achieve cheaper costs than if you were to obtain directly. This does not make sense since the conveyancing broker model is for the brokerage to buy in conveyancing at the cheapest possible price and then make a margin on you. By buying in the cheapest conveyancing the law firm has to cut cost and corners. Ultimately it is only the client that suffers.