Are you looking to make that old wood furniture look new or maybe give it a brand new look? One way to accomplish this is with paint. But, how much work is involved? Is there preparatory work needed or should you just "slap" on a fresh coat? I will attempt to answer these questions and guide you step-by-step to turning your old and faded furniture into a brand new looking piece.
There usually is preparatory work involved before painting old furniture. You will need to sand, prime, and paint. Some prefer to strip the old paint first. OLD WOODEN FURNITURE RESTORATION UK The reason is that the paint will scrape right off if you still have any clear finish or wax on the piece. Also, applying a second coat of paint, will give your piece a better-looking and longer-lasting finish.
First you will need to prepare a well ventilated work area. Make sure there is nothing nearby that could produce sparks or flames. If you plan on stripping the paint you will need to find a good paint stripper at your hardware store. Follow the directions on the can and make sure to take proper safety precautions such as wearing long clothing that covers your arms, legs, and feet. You should also wear goggles or safety glasses.

Next remove any hardware attached to the furniture and place the furniture on newspaper or a drop cloth. If you decide on sanding instead of stripping go ahead and make passes with the sandpaper and continue until the furniture is smooth. You may need to do this two or three times, beginning with relatively rough sandpaper and gradually moving on to finer grits.
Wipe down after sanding with a tack cloth, brush, or vacuum. Next you will begin to prime the piece. Make sure the primer you buy also says "sealer". This will ensure that any stain the wasn't completely removed when stripping or sanding will not bleed through your paint. Apply the primer and wait until it is dry to the touch. This will normally take 1 to 2 hours. Apply a second coat if the primer looks thin or spotty. Once dry you can sand any rough areas.
Now you will begin with an indoor latex or a water-based paint. Be sure to brush it on going in the direction of the wood grain, with even strokes. OLD WOODEN FURNITURE RESTORATION UK Allow the first coat to dry before applying the second. Be sure to allow the second coat to dry overnight.
Lastly, here are some tips for cleanup:
Wash your brushes immediately after each use. Rinse the bristles under high pressured water until the water runs clear. If you are using latex paint you will want to use brushes that have synthetic bristles as natural bristles work better for oil based paints.